All Roads - Migration stories
Our ‘All Roads Migration Stories’ is now available to view at The Museum of English Rural Life from Saturday 18 January until Sunday 1 June 2025.
This exhibition explores the routes women have taken to arrive in Reading and celebrates the textiles and the textile skills that travelled with them. Women from all over the world, Sweden, Turkey, Pakistan to name a few have contributed to this exhibition and you can listen to their stories. Using textile techniques that they learnt in their country of birth or learnt in sessions across Reading, they have embroidered, appliquéd and painted onto pillowcases. The pillowcase is a universal textile for many countries and cultures to decorate. Symbolising unity across the globe and a gathering in Reading.
Where have you travelled from to get here?
If you have a story to tell, we are still looking for women who arrived in Reading from another country before 1980 and would like to share their stories for a community art project celebrating the migration stories of women to Reading in the 20th Century. Get in touch by using the Contact Us form below.
This project is funded by the The National Heritage Lottery Fund, delivered by Jelly and supported by The Museum of English Rural Life, Reading Museum and Reading Community Learning Centre.
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